
Bristol UCU Newsflash, 18th November 2020

1) Bristol UCU Annual General Meeting, *Today*, 13;00-14:00, via Microsoft Teams To join at 13:00 today, please click on the link below: On the agenda, election of Branch Officers and of the Branch Executive Committee for 2020-21. James Thompson, Branch President, will give an oral report, including an update on our current dispute. For a […]


Bristol UCU Newsflash, 11th November 2020

1) Dispute & Special Senate Tomorrow James Thompson, Branch President, has written on behalf of the Branch to register a formal dispute with the University over its failure to move unnecessary in-person teaching online and to allow staff to teach online where appropriate. As announced yesterday, Bristol UCU members voted to declare the dispute in […]


Bristol UCU Newsflash, 4th November 2020

1) Vote Now–Bristol UCU Consultative Ballot If you haven’t voted, please vote now. Voting closes this Friday. Bristol UCU members who haven’t voted received an email today (4th November), just before 09:30, titled Reminder: Bristol UCU consultative ballot, sent from University and College Union <>.  Click on the link in that email to vote. The ballot closes 12 noon on Friday 6 November 2020.  If you have not received the […]


Bristol UCU Newsflash, 28th October 2020

Bristol UCU Consultative Ballot – Please Vote Yesterday (Tuesday, 27th October) Bristol UCU members received an email, just after 15:00, titled Bristol UCU consultative ballot, sent from University and College Union <>. Clink on the link in that email to vote. The ballot closes 12 noon on Friday 6 November 2020. 2 questions to answer. The first is about whether to declare a formal dispute over […]