
Bristol UCU Newsflash, 6th October 2021

1) USS and Four Fights

On Monday, 18th October, ballot packs will be dispatched to your preferred mailing address by Civica.
The ballot closes midday, Thursday 4 November.
Why are we voting on taking strike action? What are UCU’s demands to our employers and to the employers’ organizations that represent them – UUK and UCEA?

  • Revoke the pension cuts
  • Revalue USS
  • Offer a real-term pay rise
  • Close the gender pay gap across the sector
  • Agree binding measures across the HE sector to decrease workloads and to end widespread precarious terms of employment

2) Open Letter – Share Room Risk Assessments

Bristol UCU has now repeatedly asked for teaching room risk assessments as well as for key COVID-19 risk reduction information concerning teaching rooms and workplaces to be placed on the staff and student intranet.  
As of now, this information has not been forthcoming.
Please sign this open letter, calling on University management to make available ‘a list of rooms and their risk assessments…which staff and students using these workspaces can check’.
Click on the link below to sign:

3) Check Your Personal Details on My UCU

To make sure you receive the right information from your union, it is important to check that your personal information is up to date:

  • Your postal address & choose to receive mail at work or at home (important at ballot time!)
  • Your membership band/category (important to have the right to vote!)  

You can check and update your details on My UCU very easily. Go to
If you have any questions, email