1) Bristol UCU Branch Meeting: Wednesday, 26th October, 13:00-14:00, Microsoft Teams
Our first scheduled Bristol UCU Branch Meeting is Wednesday next week. The main item of business: consulting with members on next steps following the close of the industrial action ballot.
Join the Branch Meeting via Microsoft Teams, using the link:
Ballot results will be announced on Monday 24 October. Assuming that there is a “Yes” vote, this will be followed by a period of mass consultation in our union, a process democratically decided by UCU Congress and our Higher Education Sector Conference in June this year.
You will be consulted via the branch meeting plus an all-members online survey: it is vital you participate in this process and make your voice heard.
2) PGR Event & Social, Today, 16:00-18:00, PGR Hub Room 2.22, Senate House, 16:00-18:00
All PGRs welcome. UCU PGR reps want to hear from you about the issues that matter to Bristol PGRs the most.
The second half of the meeting will be a social with refreshments and the option to go to a local pub afterwards. Challenge: who can bring along the most non-UCU member PGR friends and get them signed up!?