
Bristol UCU Newsflash, 23rd November 2022

1) Bristol UCU Picket Lines, Thursday, 24th February Picket Lines from 08:30 tomorrow. Picket line supervisors to pick up strike materials from UCU Office, 1d Priory Road from 07:30. Main Picket Line: 5 Tyndall Avenue.        Assemble for joint UCU/Unison Rally for 12:00 noon outside Victoria Rooms. For a list of campus picket lines tomorrow: 2) […]


Bristol UCU Newsflash, 9th November 2022

1) Bristol UCU on Strike, 24th, 25th & 30th November Our strike days are in the diary. All 70,000 plus UCU Higher Education members will be taking strike action on Thursday, 24th, Friday, 25th and Wednesday 30th November [link]. Bristol UCU strike details to be shared next week. The branch Executive Committee and branch Reps will confirm our picket plans, […]


Bristol UCU Newsflash, 2nd November 2022

1) UCU Strike Action Tomorrow UCU’s Higher Education Committee will determine the timing, length, and form of forthcoming UCU strike action. Details to follow shortly. Bristol UCU and UK UCU members have fed back their preferences via our recent UCU survey [link], branch meetings and via our branch delegates [link]. UCU members have expressed a preference for taking […]