
Bristol UCU Newsflash, 10th May 2023

1) Marking and Assessment Boycott — Week 4

  • “Pay Rise, Not Pay Dock”: Bristol UCU Marking & Assessment Branch Rally, Tomorrow, 13:00-14:00, Peel Lecture Theatre, Geography Building
  • We are looking for pledges of half a day’s pay for each week of the University of Bristol Summer Assessment period. Please pledge by clicking the link below:

If you are, for example, a Bristol UCU member with no current marking and assessment duties, this is an excellent way to support MAB-ing colleagues.

  • Members will be balloted shortly to ask whether they are prepared to take local, targetted strike action over the University’s punitive pay docking.
  • If you are asked about a specific assessment task in the period before marks/feedback are due for release, you should answer:

The Bristol branch of the UCU’s advice is that Bristol UCU members are under no duty to report their boycotting unless directly asked about a specific marking and assessment duty or task not being undertaken at the time.

As the marks/feedback for this duty is not yet released, and I am under no obligation as is to have completed this duty before the date on which it is due, I cannot answer this question until after the date of release.

  • Join Bristol UCU members at 4pm for our strike social tomorrow at Hamilton House.