
Bristol UCU Newsflash, 19th September 2023: Donate Today — Supporting UCU MAB-ing Members

1) Donate Today — Supporting UCU MAB-ing Members Our Bristol UCU MAB Salary Scheme Crowdfunder is still open and still accepting donations. If you have not donated, donate today and/or share with friends, colleagues and supporters asking for a donation: Bristol UCU MAB Salary Share Scheme, organized by Bristol UCU Please donate today to […]


Bristol UCU Newsflash, 13th September: End of the MAB & Bristol UCU September Strike Action MAB Arrangement

1) End of the MAB & Bristol UCU September Strike Action MAB Arrangement Welcome to the first Newsflash of the new 23-24 academic year. Last week we, UCU, withdrew our national marking and assessment boycott, announced 5 further days of strike action, and this week on Monday, we launched our ‘Get The Vote Out’ strike ballot ‘from […]


Bristol UCU Newsflash, 23rd August 2023: University of Bristol/Bristol UCU MAB Arrangement

1) University of Bristol/Bristol UCU MAB Arrangement As shared on Monday with UCU members, University of Bristol and University of Bristol UCU branch have reached an arrangement on the operation of the marking and assessment boycott at Bristol and the treatment of staff currently participating in the boycott. What does this statement mean for staff […]