
Bristol UCU Newsflash, 10th January: Become a Faculty or PS Division UCU Health & Safety Rep, Branch GM: 24th Jan., GS Hustings: 1st Feb.

1) ​Become a Faculty or PS Division UCU Health & Safety Rep

The branch is looking to recruit UCU Health and Safety Reps for each Academic Faculty and each Professional Service Division.

Interested? Already a trained H&S rep? Email for more information and to volunteer.

Trained UCU H&S Reps are granted time off:

  • to take an active part in workplace risk assessments
  • to investigate potential hazards
  • to carry out inspections of the workplace in work time
  • to be consulted on new working practices

We are particularly keen for H&S reps to investigate the hazard of stress caused by overbearing and excessive workloads 

UCU training is available [link]

2) Notice of General Meeting, Wednesday 24th January, 13:00-14:00, Microsoft Teams

Our first branch General Meeting of 2024 is Wednesday, 24th January, 13:00-14:00. 

Agenda tbc; joining link to be circulated next week. It is likely, however, that the main business will be the branch’s response to any forthcoming negotiated pay and grading changes.

3)  UCU General Secretary Hustings, Thursday 1 February, 12:30-14:00

To register: