
Bristol UCU Newsflash 19th July 2024

1.         Bristol Palestine Solidarity Camp Legal Action

Bristol UCU is deeply concerned that legal action is being taken by University of Bristol against student protestors.  We have urged the University’s Executive Board to ensure that students’ freedom of assembly and expression protected.

A possession order to evict the encampment protestors was declined on Friday 5th July 2024, although further hearings are ongoing.  We urge that legal proceedings are ceased altogether, and that dialogue with the encampment representatives is sought instead.

We are also deeply concerned about claims made without elaboration in the Vice-Chancellor’s ‘Encampment Protest Update’ sent on 1st July 2024, and have requested evidence to substantiate these statements:

‘Some individuals linked to the encampment have gone beyond what is an acceptable expression of their views. The behaviour of some has become aggressive, abusive, and has involved allegations of physical assault and damage to property.’

‘people outside of our University community’ are responsible for some of ‘these behaviours’.

‘Where we have clear evidence that individuals have engaged in unacceptable behaviour we will continue to engage our disciplinary processes.’

Additionally, there are disturbing allegations that some student protestors may have experienced the threat or use of unreasonable force.  We have insisted that this is investigated thoroughly and transparently.  

We have urgently requested a meeting be organised between University of Bristol Executive Board and encampment representatives to achieve these aims:

  • Ceasing legal action
  • De-escalation and dialogue regarding the protestors’ aims
  • Protecting student protestors from the threat or use of unreasonable force
  • Transparent investigation of any allegations relating to threat or use of force
  • Ensuring students’ rights to freedom of assembly and expression are protected

Bristol UCU supports students’ right to protest, and fully endorses UCU National’s statement:

‘We are clear that antisemitism and Islamophobia have no place on our campuses or in our society, but freedom of speech and freedom of assembly within the law are fundamental human rights and civil liberties which must be upheld. UCU supports all those standing against complicity in genocide, and for decolonisation, freedom, and equality. We reiterate our call for an immediate ceasefire, the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages, unrestricted access to humanitarian aid, and the lifting of the siege of Gaza.’

In solidarity,

Bristol Branch UCU.

For more information on UCU’s national position and campaigning on these issues please visit CeasefireNow the statement in solidarity with student encampments, and UCU’s initial statement from October 2023. See also Bristol UCU Resolution to End the Violence in Israel-Palestine.

2.         Bristol UCU Branch UCEA Offer Questionnaire

Find out more about UCEA’s offer for 2024-25 here [LINK]

Let us know your views on the offer by completing this short, anonymous form:

Bristol UCU Branch UCEA offer questionnaire

3.         Bristol UCU Subscription Rates

Our local subscription rates will not increase next year, 2024-2025.

See subscription rates on our branch website

4.         Callout for Workload Reps

Workload is one of the biggest problems facing staff in higher education. Ever-increasing workloads can be tackled and improvements won if UCU branches approach workload issues from a health and safety perspective, using the extensive rights and powers available to H&S reps.

We need more members and existing reps to join our growing team as H&S Workload Reps.  If you’re a bit put off by the idea of being a Health and Safety Rep don’t be.  This role can be specifically for tackling workload.  Find out more here: What is a Workload Rep? 

The role includes free training to investigate and report health and safety issues at the university.  Benefits include paid time off for continuing H&S training and fulfilling safety rep functions, plus 1 extra day annual leave.  Upcoming training:

Workload Rep 2: 2 August 2024, online.

H&S Induction: 8, 14, 20, January 2025, online.

H&S 2 Organising: 7, 13, 19, May 2025, online.

If you’d like to attend, please email the branch

If you have any questions about this role, the paid time for H&S rep duties, or other questions, please contact Laura Dickinson  for more information.

5.         Jamie Melrose’s leaving card

After 12 years of industriously representing Bristol UCU members in several Branch Officer roles, Jamie Melrose has left the building.  He’s taking up a new role with Unison, and his expertise will be greatly missed.  If you’d like to add a message, an anecdote or a photo, please feel free to do so here:

Sign Jamie’s leaving card.