
Bristol UCU Newsflash, 28th July 2021

1) Summer Break

Newsflash will take its summer break from today, returning in September.

With our current UK HE disputes over pensions, job security, job equality and workload coming to a head, these next few months are going to be busy ones for UCU negotiators and reps. Members, too, will be facing key decisions as regards future courses of action.

The branch continues to push for a safe ‘COVID secure’ campus workplace. We will also continue to push for improvements to our maternity, paternity and parental leave policy, and to represent members facing dismissal, arbitrary disciplinary proceedings and gender discrimination,

Other branch tasks include a refresh of our Bristol UCU website and planning a Bristol Anti-Precarity Network ‘welcome back’ event for the new academic year.

Hopefully members are in a position to take some well-earned leave.