1) UCU Consultation on Higher Education Pay
All members should have been emailed the above consultation.
Closes 17.00 on Friday 11 November.
2) External Appointments – Heads of School, PVCs and Deans
Bristol UCU notes its disappointment with the new process of advertising all senior academic appointments externally, including Heads of School. Bristol UCU branch officers challenged this policy shift to the presumption in favour of externally advertising senior roles at our Joint Consultation and Negotiating Committee (JCNC), and briefed UCU members on Senate.
Colleagues spoke out against the policy in Senate on Monday, 19th October, but to no avail.
We will push for a substantial ‘school voice’ in any appointment process.
3) School and Divisional Restructurings
Bristol UCU officers and reps are involved in a range of restructurings and redundancy scenarios. At the moment, we are representing members in Marketing and Communications, the International Office, Archaeology and Anthropology, Institute of Advanced Studies, Careers Service and the Graduate School of Education.
The majority of these restructurings have been protracted (and some we feel have been poorly managed) and extremely difficult for the staff involved, many of whom are at risk of redundancy and continue to be uncertain of their future.
4) Prevent Duty – Bristol UCU Response
Bristol UCU has written a response [PDF] to the University’s Annual Report of Compliance with the Prevent Duty and its appendices (Prevent Action Plan and Risk Assessment; Prevent Training Programme; Faith Facilities Policy).
5) Stern Report – Bristol UCU Response
Following on from the publication of Building on Success and Learning from Experience: An Independent Review of the Research Excellence Framework by Lord Nicholas Stern, Bristol UCU has written a blog piece, summarising members’ views.
6) Postgraduate Members’ Meeting, Wed 9 November 2016, 14:00 – 15:00, Bristol Trade Union Office, 1d Priory Rd
For more details and to register:
7) South West Black Members’ Half-Day Workshop, Friday, 9th December, 13:00-16:30, Rm G11,3/5 Woodland Road
UCU has developed a half-day workshop aimed at black members and activists to address the concerns raised by black members in the UCU 2015 survey of their experiences.
UCU are offering this workshop to all black members in the South West region of the union.
To register, email Rebecca Richards, Regional Administrator South West Office, RRichards@ucu.org.uk