1) UCU Strike Days: Wednesday 1st December to Friday, 3rd December Along with UCU branches across the UK, Bristol UCU will be taking 3 days of strike action from Wednesday 1 December to Friday 3 December over the employer-sanctioned cuts to our USS pensions, and the inaction of HE employers across the 4 nations to halt pay […]
Author: lauraforman
1) A Bristol UCU Mandate for Strike Action; An Opportunity for Employers To End This Dispute Another day, another email. The salient facts. Bristol UCU has spoken. Members by commanding majorities have voted in favour of industrial action over USS and 4 Fights.Employers can act now. Revalue USS and scrap the unnecessary pension cuts. Thrash […]
1) UCU Industrial Action Ballots – What’s Next Our USS and 4 Fights ballot closed midday today. What next? Friday, 5th November: the ballot results for this branch and all other balloted branches in the 2 disputes announced. Tuesday, 9th November: Bristol UCU reps and Executive Committee meet to discuss ballots’ results. Bristol UCU reps […]
1) Have You Voted? Tuesday next week is your last chance to post your ballot papers and guarantee they will be counted. Don’t delay. Vote today.Haven’t got your ballot pack? Go to:https://yoursay.ucu.org.uk/s3/USS-HE-replacement-formAny questions about the ballot? Go to:https://www.ucu.org.uk/article/11817/HE-disputes-FAQs 2) Bristol UCU General Meeting, *Today*, 13:00-14:00, Microsoft Teams Click on the link below to join today@1pm:https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_YTcwZjlmMmUtY2M0MS00OWY3LTk2ZDctNThlMmRlY2I1MDE2%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22b2e47f30-cd7d-4a4e-a5da-b18cf1a4151b%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2284bed226-036c-4d6a-8636-53c81afae48a%22%7dSpeakers include […]
1) Vote Now, Vote Early As of yesterday, ballot papers in our UCU industrial action ballot are arriving in the post.Vote now, vote early For more information:https://www.ucu.org.uk/hedisputesReturn your vote today. Before the ballot closes in 14 days. 2) Bristol UCU General Meeting, Wednesday, 27th October, 13:00-14:00, Microsoft Teams Our first Get The Vote Out-themed Bristol […]
1) Open Letter – Share Room Risk Assessments Final call…please sign this open letter, calling on University management to make available ‘a list of rooms and their risk assessments…which staff and students using these workspaces can check’.Click on the link below to sign:https://bristolucu.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/ucu-open-letter-share-room-ras 2) Ballot Opens Monday Our UCU industrial action ballot opens on Monday […]
Bristol UCU Newsflash, 6th October 2021
1) USS and Four Fights On Monday, 18th October, ballot packs will be dispatched to your preferred mailing address by Civica.The ballot closes midday, Thursday 4 November.Why are we voting on taking strike action? What are UCU’s demands to our employers and to the employers’ organizations that represent them – UUK and UCEA? Revoke the pension cuts […]
1) USS and Four Fights The industrial action ballots for USS and the Four Fights open on Monday, 18th October.Members can make sure their details are correct by going to https://my.ucu.org.uk/app/utils/login_formOnce logged in, members can check their ballot paper mailing address is correct, for example.For more information:https://www.ucu.org.uk/article/11766/UK-university-staff-to-ballot-in-October-over-pay-and-pensionsAs noted in a recent email to University of Bristol Senior […]
1) USS and Four Fights UCU’s Higher Education Committee (HEC) met on Monday to agree the next steps in our current USS and 4 Fights disputes. The timetable for action on both USS + 4 Fights is: Monday 18 October – ballots open Thursday 4 November – ballots close Monday 8 November – HEC meets […]
1) ‘Surviving Your Casualised Contract, Bristol UCU Anti-Casualisation Workshop, Wednesday, 29th September 2021, 17:00-18:00, Microsoft Teams Calling all casualised staff (new and old)! UCU Bristol Branch and the Bristol Anti-Precarity Network are pleased to present their inaugural virtual workshop event, which will serve as a ‘survival guide’ for anyone in casual or precarious employment at […]