1) University of Bristol Wall of Shame: Bristol UCU Members’ Meeting, Tuesday, 11th July, 13:00-14:00, Microsoft Teams Join Bristol UCU members next Tuesday lunchtime for the launch of our University of Bristol Wall of Shame: Unless our Bristol temporary academic regulations are revoked, and unless the University mitigates its approach to punitive pay docking, the […]
Author: lauraforman
Response to University of Bristol Leadership: Settle Don’t Escalate This Dispute Dear Evelyn, A question if I may: as more and more universities make public statements to restart negotiations in our ongoing pay and conditions dispute, why does the University of Bristol Leadership Team persist in not joining them? What is the cost to the […]
1) Crucial Phase of Our Marking and Assessment Boycott: Exam Boards, Internal/External Examiners, and the ‘10 Days at 50% Pay Cap’ This week, week 10 of our Marking and Assessment Boycott, we have entered a crucial phase in our pay and conditions dispute. Exam Boards are upon us, proxy marks are in the process of […]
1) Open Day Strike Action, Friday, 16th Thanks to everyone who picketed on Friday’s Open Day alongside University of Bristol Unison. Unison are also taking strike action today. 2) Special “Overturn These Temp Regulations’ Senate Today A Special Senate meets today to ‘declare its opinion to the Board of Trustees on whether to overturn’ the University […]
1) Bristol UCU and Unison Open Day Strike, Friday, 16th June 2) Crucial Phase of Our Marking and Assessment Boycott Settle This Dispute Today. Restore Our Pay. Stop Punitive Pay Docking. Despite UCU’s willingness to re-enter talks, despite our willingness as a branch to consider a serious proposal from the University to call off Friday’s […]
Thanks to everyone currently participating in our marking and assessment boycott at the University of Bristol. Week 8 and going strong. As reports flood in of marking going unmarked and assessments being cancelled, the MAB at Bristol is far more than the handful of MAB-ers, as claimed by University Management when speaking to journalists. Our […]
1) Unison on Strike Today Please join striking Unison University of Bristol colleagues on their pickets across campus today, from 9 to 11. Unison will also be joining us on Friday, 16th June. 2) Open Letter to the Vice-Chancellor: Devalued Degrees at the University of Bristol Please sign: ‘[S]tudents are getting degraded degrees at the […]
1) Pledge Today For More Strike Pay The next few weeks are crucial branch fundraising weeks. Our branch Pledge Scheme asks members, University of Bristol staff, and all supporters to donate half a day’s pay for every week of the summer assessment period, 2 days’s worth of pay. Pledge today: https://bristolucu.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/bristol-ucu-mab-pledge-may-june-23 If you have no […]
Bristol UCU Newsflash, 17th May 2023
Marking and Assessment Boycott Update University of Bristol UCU Consultative Ballot Our branch strike action consultative ballot is now live, closing Wednesday next week. The email ‘IMPORTANT: University of Bristol UCU consultative ballot’ is in your inbox. Vote ASAP. The question: are you prepared to take strike action, on Friday 16th June, to reverse University’s […]
Bristol UCU Newsflash, 10th May 2023
1) Marking and Assessment Boycott — Week 4 https://bristolucu.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/bristol-ucu-mab-pledge-may-june-23 If you are, for example, a Bristol UCU member with no current marking and assessment duties, this is an excellent way to support MAB-ing colleagues.