Supporting working-class history.This branch believes that:
Category: News
Our Local Hardship Fund can accept donations. How to make an online donation Online payments to the account are preferred and should be transferred to: Bank: Unity Trust Branch: UCU Bristol LA9 (Hardship fund) Sort code: 60-83-01 Account: 20391281 Please provide a reference that lets us know where the donation has come from. How to make […]
UCU Congress 2018 agreed to elect a Democracy Commision ‘to review the democratic structures of the union and to bring recommendations to a special one-day Congress next year’. The University of Bristol UCU branch is entitled to put forward one member for election to the Commision. Bristol UCU members are invited to nominate themselves as […]
Who can claim from the local fund? Applications are welcomed from the following groups: UCU members on hourly-paid contracts (Hourly Paid Teachers – HPTs), and UCU members on fixed term or open-ended contracts who receive regular monthly salaries and are on: Grade J and below plus for strike action taken in 2020: Grade K or above, in part-time roles where they earn […]
Dear all I hope everyone has had a relaxing weekend, and that you have not been preparing for classes or doing any kind of catching up – apart from reading UCU emails, of course. I’d like to stress two points. Firstly, we are back to work tomorrow but we are continuing with Action Short of […]
1) Bristol UCU Members – 1,000+! Bristol UCU now has over 1,000 members! That’s up from 912 in January and 980 in April. — 2) Brexit & Bristol: What Does Brexit Mean For Bristol UCU Members? Thanks to everyone who came to our meeting Thursday, 7th July, to discuss the outcome of the EU referendum. […]
Dear Colleagues An update on this branch’s plans for next week’s strike action. Preparation and Publicity If you’d like to help create the placards then we will be available in the UCU Office, 1d Priory Rd from 2.15 pm to 5.30 pm on Tuesday 24 May – let know if you can come. Do […]
Letter sent to Board of Trustees: The Prevent Duty at the UoB – Open Letter to the UoB Members of the Board of Trustees[with SIGNATURES]
Academic Role Profiles
The University of Bristol academic role profiles for pathways 1, 2 and 3 are being amended, to be place for the next promotion round in November.
UCU nationally are asking for feedback from branches as regards the next step in the pay dispute. Branch responses will be considered the UCU Higher Education Committee (HEC), before their next meeting on Friday, 9th October.